Next Steps #1
Congratulations !!!
Becoming a mother is one of life’s greatest experience, but it is also full of new challenges.
Next Steps for New Moms will share helpful hints to meet these new challenges as you prepare for the birth of your baby, and throughout his or her first year of life.
Pregnancy is a completely natural process that God has designed for the development of a new life. Fortunately, it’s not something you have to do alone. We have a vast amount of information for you to draw upon to help care for this baby while he or she is growing in your body. Now that you know you are pregnant, the next step for you is to contact your healthcare provider. If you are applying for Medicaid take your proof of positive pregnancy test to the health department in the county where you live. If you have private OB/GYN (a doctor that specializes in Pregnancy and Women’s Health), you can usually call to set up an appointment.
There are some important things that you can do for your baby beginning today.
- Do not smoke, vape, drink alcoholic beverages or use illegal drugs.
- Do not take aspirin or over-the-counter medications unless directed by your doctor.
- Check with your doctor immediately concerning any prescription medications you are taking.
- Don’t handle dirty kitty litter or clean-out bird cages.
- Avoid eating wild game or uncooked fish/seafood.
- Limit low-calorie diet soft drinks, or caffeinated beverages to 1-2 a day.
- No hot tubs or saunas.
- Begin eating foods that are high in iron such as liver, wholegrain foods, green leafy vegetables, calcium rich foods, and foods high in vitamin C.
Enjoy your pregnancy and have confidence when the baby arrives.
We encourage you to join our free Earn While You Learn classes to prepare for your new baby.
We offer these classes to help you meet the challenges of pregnancy and motherhood. Please call 205-776-1251 for more info. or sign-up online for the next scheduled sessions or receive more information about the classes.
The best way to prepare for parenting is to take time to consider your spiritual life.
The Bible says:
1. Admit I am a sinner.
“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23)
2. Believe that God’s son, Jesus paid the penalty of for my sin.
“God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8)
3. Commit my life to God and make Him the Master of my life.
“If you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead you will be saved.”
205 664-1668
Women First Pregnancy Center-Pelham
3156 Pelham Parkway, Ste. 1
Pelham, Alabama 35124
Women First Pregnancy Center-Chelsea
15582-Hwy 280, Ste. 114
Chelsea, Alabama 35043